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Forrest Yan

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“Over the past six months, I have had 5 different hosts. As a professional webmaster and Internet entrepreneur, it is fair to say that web hosting has been the thorn in my side from day one.

I have tried major brands, and small teams, but in all cases, I have had major issues.

Then a friend recommended Megatron, and I can safely say the thorn has been replaced with a rose. I know that sounds soppy, perhaps a little cheesy, but that is how I feel.

It is hard to single anyone out for extra praise, as the entire team was superb, but I feel Afeef deserves a special mention. As of 12 hours ago, I was planning on canceling my account for numerous personal and professional reasons. I emailed Afeef, and he managed to help me with all of my technical issues, and his warm manner encouraged me to stick with you. All of the problems he helped with were issues and faults with the previous server, so many support staff wouldn’t have bothered.

Whenever I send an email to support at Megatron I don’t even bother leaving the PC, I know that my reply will be so fast that I will get it in a matter of minutes. I don’t know how you guys do this, but I am very impressed. “

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